Our "Contact/Exchange Tracking V3" module is designed to optimize tracking of human interactions between your company and your prospects, customers, suppliers, etc. This module allows you to track contacts and exchanges related to your commercial activities, whether it is prospecting, customer management, follow-ups of unpaid debts or after-sales service. Version 3 introduces several major improvements to facilitate usage by your team members and improve collaboration between co-workers, while also enriching you CRM data.

The main goal of our “Contact/Exchange Tracking V3” module is to offer a complete and intuitive solution for:
- Centralized interactions: Record and easily search the history of exchanges with third parties to guarantee quality customer/supplier relationship.
- Improved internal collaboration: Facilitate the flow of information between employees through automated notifications and assignable tasks.
- Better tracking: Ensure that each exchange is correctly linked to a third party and, if needed, to associated contacts, while also allowing statuses and reminders to be defined for each interaction.
Quick add of contacts and exchanges
Our module allows you to easily add a new exchange from almost any Dolibarr page using an embedded button or floating button. An intuitive pop-up window allows you to enter the exchange details, such as:
- The concerned third party (only one third party can be provided).
- Associated contacts of third party (multiple contacts possible).
- Date of exchange, comments, and any other key information.
What's new in version 3
Quick creation of third parties and contacts
- Simplified creation of a new third party directly from the exchange pop-up using a drop-down form.
- A new contact can also be created.
- Multiple contacts can be linked to the same exchange.
Collaborator notifications
- Selected collaborators can be notified by email of a new exchange.
Adding and managing statuses
- Each exchange can now be associated with a status (default: “Closed”).
Creating tasks and events
- It is possible to add a task or an event directly from the exchange form. Both can be recorded simultaneously.
Mandatory third-party validation
- An error message is displayed if no third party is entered when creating an exchange. This constraint ensures consistent CRM data.
Enriched history
- Exchanges are now automatically linked to all contacts associated with the exchange, allowing for more accurate tracking information.
Update from the exchange sheet
- Statuses and other key information can be edited directly from a exchange’s card view.
Before using the module’s features you’ll need to set it up through: Configuration menu > Modules > Contact/exchange Tracking V3 Click on the Configuration icon (cog).

Choose the user: show a "user" field on the exchange creation pop-up. If this option is disabled, user selection will not be possible and it will be the user who created the exchange who will be recorded as the internal contact. Also allows you to select the user to assign the reminder to.
Add a confidential comment to your exchanges: On the form of your exchange, a field allows you to insert a confidential comment visible to the author and the assigned user group
Add collaborators to your exchanges: Add other users to your exchanges/contacts.
Contact Mode list: It allows you to modify the drop-down list of contact modes. Enter one contact mode per line.
Products List: Indicate the IDs of the products you wish to show on the exchange creation pop-up. Separate value by a comma (example: 4,15,3,12)
Subjects list: Set the subjects for the drop-down list. Enter one subject per line.
Display of the creation button: You can choose the display method: either an integrated button present on most Dolibarr files, or a floating button present at all times on Dolibarr. (See below)

Hide the embedded exchange creation button: Select the pages on which you do not want the create exchange button to appear.
Number of days beyond which an event is no longer displayed in the widget: The last 5 exchanges are displayed in a widget on the home page. By setting this field, you can choose to display past exchanges up to the number of days specified. Enter 3 in the field for example, to see the exchanges of the last 3 days. If this field is not completed, no day limit will be able to restrict the display of your events.
Reduce the size of descriptions in your exchanges list: Check this option to limit the visible size of descriptions on the list of exchanges.
Managing large contacts: Enable large contact management when you have more than 8000 contacts.
Our module allows you to add notifications for event reminders. The selected user will receive an email, reminding them to make contact with the concerned third party. In order for this to work, the "notifications" module and the scheduled tasks module must both be activated and configured.
You will also need to activate, in the configuration of the “Agenda” module, the following option:

When you click on the create exchange button, a pop-up opens allowing you to input the different elements of the exchange you have with a customer, prospect, supplier, etc. The different fields will be pre-filled with certain default values.

Third party: Select the third party concerned by the exchange. The "+" button allows you to open a form to create a new third party with its essential information. (Only one third party can be selected, the field will automatically turns gray to select your newly created third party)

Contact/Address: Select the contact of third party concerned by the exchange. The "+" button allows you to open a form to create a new contact with its essential information. (You can select several contacts to link to the exchange, however you can only create one new contact via this form).

Created by: By default, the module will not show this field and will record the user who entered the exchange information. If the corresponding option is enabled in the module’s configuration, the field will be available in the pop-up windows to allow you to select the user.
Contact Mode: Set the contact mode of the exchange. (List values can be customized in the module configuration)
Link Object/Document: You can link an element concerning your third party. (Commercial proposition, Invoice, Order, etc.)
Collaborators: Select the collaborator(s) concerned by this exchange. (Option can be enabled/disabled in module configuration)
Send a notification to notify the collaborator(s): By checking this box, the selected collaborator(s) will receive an email notification to inform them of this exchange. (Remark: The sending of emails from your Dolibarr must be configured and the collaborator(s) must have an email address defined on their user card).
The email template “CONTACTRACKING_MAILINFO”can be customized in the “Tools->Email templates” menu of your Dolibarr.
Object: Select the object of the exchange.
Comment: Enter the information about your exchange.
Status: Set the status of your exchange (Closed, In Progress or To Do). The status of your exchange is available in the exchange list.
Confidential comment: Enter any information you need to keep confidential.
Share to group: Select a group if you want to share your confidential comment with a group of users.
You now have the possibility to add a new task to an existing project:

You can also add an event related to the exchange, if needed you can define an automatic reminder notification to inform your collaborator:

Tip : You can create a new task and a new event in one go, the information entered in both forms will be saved.
On the main Dolibarr card views, you can find a contact/exchange tracking history tab (for example : customers, suppliers or in connection with invoices). This list view will allow you to track all the exchanges that have been recorded for the concerned element (Third party, invoice, etc.):

A full exchange history is also accessible (depending on permissions) from the Third Party menu, then “All exchanges/contacts”.
You can open the detailed view of a recorded exchange by clicking on its name in the exchange history list. From this card, you can view the details of the exchange, modify it, delete it or update its status using the dedicated buttons:

To delete an exchange, you can use the "Delete" button on its detail view or select it (one or more) from the exchange history list and use the "Delete" action button above the list. To delete an exchange, you must have the correct user permissions.

Our module has dedicated widgets for your Dolibarr home page dashboard.
To show them, go to “Configuration” > “Widget” > and activate the widgets you want to display:

You have the option to display a widget for the last contacts/exchanges created and another widget for the next third parties that need to be contacted (based on previous events recorded):

User permissions must be set for each user in the “Permissions” tab of their profile: